Scripts for Schools

An Ode to Social Media

Choral Reading Scripts

An Ode to Social Media

A Jr. High teacher asked me to write a choral script about using Social Media. She needed a fairly long piece to use in a choral speech competition, so this version is about 7 minutes in length.

Working together we were able to include information and observations concerning: bullying, trashing your teachers, posting confidential information, posting overly specific location check-ins, cheating, plagiarizing, threatening violence, and not assuming your posts are “private”- that teachers, parents, and possible employers can see your posts. We also included “sexting”, the fact that nothing is temporary once it is online, “flaming”, responding to inappropriate messages, and how to find your digital footprint by entering your own email address in a search.

This script contains some important information, but we tried to keep the mood “light” by adding a solo reader who can play all his/her lines lightly or for comedy. Makes sense that not everyone will be “on board” when there are so many rules being tossed around! Also included is a recurring/repetitive chorus to ground the piece throughout.

Hope you and your students enjoy the script!  Sincerely, Lois Walker

NOTE: A free mp3 sound file is available to teachers who purchase this script.  It was created to help teach the timing, rhythm, rhyme, and beat of the piece. Simply email

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