Scripts for Schools

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Using Puppet Play Scripts to Teach Problem Solving Skills

August 27th, 2019

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Reader’s theatre scripts are an engaging, fun way to get students excited about reading. One way of enhancing reader’s theatres and making it an even more engaging experience for young readers is through the use of puppet play scripts. These scripts mean students are not only reading aloud, but also using their puppets to act out the script. This teaching tool is a great way to work on not only students reading fluency, but also their problem solving.

Many educators are aware of the positive benefit that readers theatre and puppet play scripts have on teaching reading fluency, but may not be familiar with the problem solving skills also being developed.

Specialized puppet play scripts are an effective tool in developing problem solving skills. With these scripts, students can be presented with situations in which they can be tasked with identifying feelings, problems, and finding solutions. The use of the puppets can present these situations in a more child friendly way, and children are better able to understand and comprehend the problem, and present the solution.

For older students, problem solving skills are also worked on throughout the process of practicing and preparing their puppet play. They will have to problem solve on how to work together, where each puppet should be during each scene or act, what is inferred by the script and so on. There is also problem solving opportunities on creating backdrops, props, and puppet creation itself, should the teacher choose to explore these tasks.

Reader’s theatre, and specifically puppet play scripts, provide a wide range of teaching and opportunities for growth from students. If you have not yet tried this in your classroom, consider getting some scripts from Scripts for Schools and making this the year that you bring in puppet plays.


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